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When You Don't Fit In

Ever sit down in church (or anywhere) and think "I DONT FIT IN"?

Perhaps you might look different, or maybe think or feel different.
Here's the thing, I've often been shocked (not so shocked anymore though) to find out later someone who seemed to have it all together was...
Cheating on their spouse
A closet alcoholic
Addicted to porn
Addicted to pain meds
Is manipulative
Blows up at their family
Has a serious illness
Suicidal thoughts
On the verge of divorce
Has an abusive spouse
Can't afford their rent
Experienced childhood abuse
Or any other myriad of serious life struggles.
And they NEVER talked about it at church!
So next time you feel this way, look around the room and recognize all of these things are likely happening to most of the people in the room. No one comes out of life unscathed. 
Satan wants us to feel isolated and alone in our struggles. I promise you are NOT ALONE! It is his carefully crafted trick to make us believe that we are the only one suffering. We are too different, too broken, or to imperfect to belong and we don't fit it. We all struggle, many of us a lot, and the reality is that some people are just better at hiding it, others are better at forcing themselves to try to fit into a mold they think others will accept, attempting to feel belonging. This creates the false illusion that there is a set standard of being that allows us to fit in, as though there is some human shaped mold and the ones who didn't come out just right need to be tossed into the trash.
In truth we are all uniquely different, we all struggle and it is our differences and struggle that binds us together. The true feeling of belonging only comes when we accept ourselves. Realize we have value and something to offer others; beautiful talents, gifts and personality and as painful as struggling is, it always has something to teach us and those lessons need to be shared. Whether its empathy for others pain, a unique perspective or valuable information that can guide and support others through their struggles. It is when we unite in our differences that together we become stronger.

Let's stop being afraid of differences, afraid to share our struggles and choose to be more open and love each other through our earth experience!

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